- SCHEDULE – Shall be sent out before the beginning of the season showing participants, indexes, division alignment, course, dates, and notes.
- FORMAT – Shall be sent out before the beginning of the season showing the current scoring system and any miscellaneous notes.
- OFFICIAL DAY – Shall be the day/date indicated on the schedule. Play shall be on that day
- Rain Out – if the official day is rained out (the committee will make a decision by 10:30 AM whether or not to cancel play) the next weekday becomes the Official Day unless otherwise determined by the committee.
- By Mutual Agreement – Only when advanced notice is given by 12:00 noon the day prior to the official day to the committee by the scheduled opponents may a match be re-scheduled to an alternate day (which is defined as occurring from the day preceding the Official Day to the next week’s Official Day.) If mutual agreement cannot be reached the match must be played on the Official Day. Only “head to head” matches will be allowed.
- Players must be ready to play:
- within 30 minutes of the GST when the league has guaranteed starting times (GST);
- at the time and date agreed to by opponents;
c: 1 PM on the day of play for all other situations.
- TIES – Shall be broken in the following order:
- “Head to head” competition during the season.
- Lower team or individual net average.
- PLAYOFFS (Other than League Championship)
- Will begin the Tuesday following the end of the regular season and continue every “week” consecutively. This “week” is defined from Tuesday to Monday inclusive.
- Exception I – The first “week” can be extended by the Committee an extra week to accommodate the July 4 holiday.
- Exception II – If a particular team has a scheduling conflict, they cannot postpone their matches without the consent of the committee and all remaining teams in the playoffs.
- The team with the most points as determined by the final standings will:
- Have the choice of course selected from any course played that season.
- Notify their opponents of the course and date no later than two business days prior to the start of the match.
- If agreement between two teams cannot be reached (2b above) then remaining dates in the “week” (excluding Saturday & Sunday) will be drawn at random by a committeeman in the presence of both teams or another committeeman when both teams cannot be present. Both teams will play that date.
- Scoring shall be as regular season except for there will be no bonus points.
- If tied after 18 holes, “Sudden Death” will occur starting from 1st hole unless mutually agreed to some other tie breaker.
- PLAYOFFS – (League Championship) – Will be three rounds on courses designated by the committee when the schedule is made. Also:
1) Scoring shall be kept as in the regular season (except for bonus points). Totals shall accumulate from one round to the other.
2) If mutually agreed upon the championship may be played in any form, otherwise the designated courses will be played.
3) If the teams are still tied after 54 holes, the tie will be broken by playing an additional 18 holes unless mutually agreed to some other tie breaker.
USGA rules as published in the Rules of Golf shall apply except as herein modified.
- Rules With No Changes – 1-1, 4; 2-1, 2, 3; 3-1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 4-1, 3, 4; 5-1, 2: 6-1, 4, 5, 7, 8(b)(c); 7-1(b); 8-1, 2(a); 9-1, 3; 10-2, 3; 11-1, 2, 3, 4(b), 5; 14-4, 5; 15-1, 3; 16-2; 17-4; 20-1; 21.
- Rules To Be Deleted – 2-4, 6; 6-6; 7-1(a); 9-2; 10-1; 11-4(a); 15-3(a); 20-7(b); 29; 30; 31; 32.
- Rules To Be Modified With This Note: “Where a rule provides for a match play penalty and a stroke play penalty, only the stroke play penalty will apply.” 1-2, 3; 4-2, 4; 5-3; 7-2; 8-2(b); 12-1, 2; 13-1, 2, 3, 4(a)(b)(c); 14-1, 2, 5, 6; 15-2; 16-1(a) to (f); 17-1, 2, 3; 18-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; 19-1,2,3,4,5; 20-1, 2, 3, 5, 7(c); 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 28.
- Rules Modified As Noted – 2-5 (Delete and use Rule 3-3); 6-2 (Delete; see note 5); 6-3 (Delete; see “Schedule”); 6-8(a) (Modify [iii] using Note 1; 14-3 (See “Local Rules” Note “F”); 26 (Modify with Note 4); 27-1 (Under exceptions add Note 2); 28 (Add Note 3); 33 & 34 (Delete “See Committee).
- At the top of page 33, sixth line delete all words after “satisfactory” and substitute “the player incurs the following penalties:
- a) Loss of match (unless he has already tied or won);
- b) Medal score will be extrapolated (minimum of 14 holes completed) for all applicable points only, i.e., it will not count for handicapping or medal trophies;
- c) If less than 14 holes are completed, the player’s match and his team’s aggregate will be forfeited. The Medal points will be figured as if the other single/team had not shown up. See note 3 under “Scoring System.”
Otherwise the player shall incur the following penalty:
- d) Loss of match, team aggregate, and medal;
- e) Loss of eligibility for individual trophies.
- When the ball is lost or out-of-bounds and a provisional ball was not played the player may elect to drop a ball anywhere on the line from the spot where the ball was lost or out of bounds back to where the shot originated under penalty of two strokes.
- In “Definitions” for Rule 26 add the following sentence; “Where there are no stakes or lines, the edges of the water shall define the hazard.”
- The player is responsible for beginning a stipulated round with his current correct index. In the event a player has not been notified (by weekly handout) of his current index, he shall make every effort to contact a committeeman and so verify. If a player plays with a higher handicap than he is entitled to, he shall receive a two-stroke penalty. Using the correct handicap, the committee will then go back to the score card and adjust all of the applicable points. If a player plays with a lower handicap than he is entitled to, his score shall stand as is and he shall incur no penalty.
- Local Course Rules – Rules as noted on the score card shall also apply to the match being played. If these rules are in conflict with League Rules, League Rules shall apply.
- Score Cards – Are official records used for handicaps, scoring, etc. They must be signed and dated by the player and an opponent. All points, match’s nets, etc., will be scored exactly as they appear on the signed and dated score card except:
- When there is a protest (see III-B for procedure);
- When the committee has to calculate certain information, such as absent player’s net, division net average, etc.;
- When a player plays with a higher handicap (see modified Rule 6-2).
- The Committee will review each score card for correct point distribution only: if a team (or individual) signs for more points that they (he) is entitled to, the points will be adjusted with no penalty. If points are less, they shall stand as signed for.
- When the TV Rule (see “D”), is applied, if applicable.
Scores may be e-mailed to the committee, but in the event of a protest by one of the teams, the scorecard will need to be provided to the committee.
- Playing Alone – If a team/single must play alone because their opponents cannot re-schedule by mutual agreement, then the team/single must notify the committee as soon as possible so that a “marker” can be provided.
- TV Rule – If a player outside of a match being played sees a rule infraction, he may report this to the Committee no later than 12:00 noon of the day following the match. The Committee will ascertain its validity and act accordingly.
- Substitution Rule – If a player is unable to play (a) because of scheduled absences prior to the beginning of the season, or (b) due to injury once the season has begun, his partner may use a substitute player providing:
- The committee is notified as soon as possible;
- No substitutions will be allowed after week #8;
- The substitute must play a minimum of two weeks (failure will result in loss of all points attributed to substitute);
- The substitute must have an established handicap. (This will be done by the committee based on a minimum of five score cards turned in.)
- If a player is injured or ill and in the estimation of the committee will be unable to play for the remainder of the season, a new player may replace the injured or ill player as a partner provided 1-4 of the above is met. That player will be considered a “permanent” partner for the season and not a “substitute” for all other rules.
- Measuring Devices – The League allows players to use devices that only measure or gage distance.
- Will consist of the people as noted on the SCHEDULE; its duties will be:
- Set up the format and schedule for the league.
- Determine prizes and collect registration fees.
- Keep and update handicaps.
- Make and publish Local Rules governing abnormal and/or usual conditions.
- Settle all disputes (See III-B).
- Decide to suspend or cancel play due to unusual weather conditions (See III-C).
- Disputes and/or protests – the committee will rule on any disputes and/or protests if they are submitted in the following manner:
- The word “protest” must be written on the card when it is submitted to alert the committee or noted in the e-mail sending results sending in the results.
- A brief description of the protest, in writing, must be submitted to a committeeman within two business days of the match otherwise they will not be considered.
- Disputes regarding the points, scores, or matches as recorded on the official weekly sheet must be brought to the Committee’s attention within 48 hours of the issuance of the sheet. This does not cover protests. (See IV-B1)
The committee will make a decision in an expeditious manner and its decision will be final.
- Suspension is defined as play temporarily halted but resumes the same day while cancellation means play resumes on another day. In either case, all holes completed up to the suspension/cancellation shall stand as scored. Whenever play is resumed, it shall begin from the last completed hole.
Note – An e-mail notification may be submitted in lieu of a signed card. However, the signed scorecard must be submitted to the committee if requested.